April 5, 2020

Anxiety Busters, pt 2

Passage: Matthew 6:25-34
Service Type:

Welcome back to virtual church.  We've improved the audio on the video - thanks to Gary Hamilton.  I encourage you to start with the music on the "Bulletin" link below, but save the last song for following the message.  The outline is on the "Notes" link. Thanks for your encouragement and feedback! (Link to Praise You In This Storm now updated.)

Download Files Notes Bulletin

3 Replies to “Anxiety Busters, pt 2”

  1. Thank you Pastor Dale,
    Excellent message.
    My mantra, “Whatsoever your hands findeth to do, do it with all your might, as unto the Lord.”

    Vicki particularly liked the illustration of Corrie’s dad, a great visual reminder!
    Blessings on this Palm Sunday, that falls on the original Passover dates on the Hebrew calendar.
    Gary and Vicki

  2. Thank you for those precious words of encouragement this week again! I really like and use your words from last week: “Let the peace of God evict the anxieties of my heart”! Several people have really appreciated that advice. Thank you! Praying for you and Bonnie and Robbie this week. I’m looking forward to Fri evening service. marge

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