This may be one of the most significant passages in all the New Testament when it comes to living out the gospel. Dig in. You won't want to miss it!…
Today we take a look back to Father Abraham to glean insights and challenges for Dads, Granddads, and all those who seek to follow our Heavenly Father. We enjoyed an…
God's choosing of Israel has never failed. Their hardening provided time for Israel to come to repentance and led to salvation of the Gentiles, all part of His promise to…
God chooses. Mankind responds to His mercy - but many, including much of the nation of Israel, rejected Jesus, their Messiah. As Paul explains further God's relationship with Israel, he…
Paul declares the Good News about Jesus was to the Jews first. So why did so few Jews receive it? Is God unjust in it? How does all this help…
Everyone wants to be loved! There is nothing more secure for believers in Jesus than the love of God. What He demonstrated in sending Christ He secures forever. It's a…
How do we find hope in the groanings of this world? The security we have in the Holy Spirit, which Paul continues to explain and expand in this text.
Life is full of groaning, suffering and waiting. But these are essential to understanding God's ultimate plans for us and His creation. Jump in for discovery and challenge of these…
We all struggle with the desires of our flesh. How, exactly, does that work out for those in Christ? What is our part and what is God's part? Big questions…
We battle the flesh, but in Christ, we are secure in the life produced by the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged by the truths of this amazing text.