Hidden Figures, pt 1

December 12, 2021
Most of us hit times when we feel lost in the shuffle, delegated to a bit part, turned into the coat hanger.  Prominent characters in the birth narrative of Jesus…

Why Did Jesus Come?

December 5, 2021
The plan for Jesus' coming was long planned for and with very specific reason.  Scripture states several.  Today we will excavate a few with the hope of mining insights to…


November 28, 2021
Last words matter.  They're usually important.  They usually stick.  Today's study takes us to part of Jesus' final conversation with His disciples before His crucifixion.  These words get too little…

Creation Matters

November 14, 2021
How did the world come into existence?  Do science and the Bible conflict?  Did God actually create "all things"?  What's the impact if He didn't?  I believe creation matters.  Jump…


October 31, 2021
Today we engage God's promise to Paul fulfilled as he arrives in Rome.  Luke ends the account with the unhindered proclamation of the Good News of Jesus - and we…