Discussion questions found on "bulletin" link below.
Discussion questions can be found in bulletin link below.
Discussion questions found on the bulletin link below
Life is often unfair. Trials of all kinds squeeze us. Rascals make life difficult. How do we turn opposition into opportunity? Join our study and find encouragement to turn frustration…
Today we will celebrate communion together at the end of the message. If you care to join, have your elements ready.
No matter the problem or chaos, God has a plan. Typically, that involves a person specially prepared. It all feeds into His purpose, surrounded by His protection. When life heats…
We all end up in battles we weren't looking for and don't want. So did Paul. Dig in with us to see how God works when our plans flip.
Have you ever struggled to discern the will of God for your life? As we dig into Paul's return to Jerusalem, we find him counseled not to go. But he…
Leadership is never easy, but is often rewarding. Paul does not disappoint as he shares his example and exhortation to us through the Ephesian Elders.