Good church. Bad church. Not all are created or functioning equally. Though young in the faith, the Thessalonian believers provide some great insights on THRIVING - for Paul commends and…
Want to THRIVE? Live in love! It's a positive command - and it sounds easy. Who doesn't want to be loving? But it's more challenging to live than we might…
Despite all the struggles and challenges, God provides ways for us to THRIVE! Paul highlights 5 in two hard-hitting verses. Do you want to stand when others are withering and…
So many things seek to drag us down. Scripture is guiding us to THRIVE. At the conclusion of 1 Corinthians, Paul tucks in 5 commands in rapid-fire succession. Heeding them…
Lies, lies, lies. We live in a world with an uncomfortable relationship with the truth. But there are ways to thrive in the midst of it. Paul gives clear insight…
Few will argue that the world is deteriorating in many ways, including morally and spiritually. So how do we THRIVE as things get worse? Lest we think we're in a…
When the world is a mess, the government is changing and antithetical to your faith in God, and your heart is broken over it, how do you pray? On this…
Jesus loved to teach with parables and metaphors. Join Pastor Steve as he leads us to consider insight and application of Jesus' teaching - You are the salt of the earth. …
When God crashed Belshazzar's party, He delivered a potent message with lots of implications for our day, and for dads. It comes with an exhortation we all should consider: don't…
Nebuchadnezzar needs another round of encounter with the power of the living God. Arrogance gets him - and us - into all kinds of trouble. If you don't get your…