NOTE: we are seeking to resolve a technical glitch in the video recording and will attempt to get it posted soon. Only the audio is available until then. We apologize…
What do you live for? Why? Ever feel like it's a losing battle? Listen in for some answers!
Our world is hurting, broken, and reflecting the impact of Adam's disastrous choice. How do we guard and guide our hearts and prayers at such a time? Join us as…
One act can produce monumental impact. Today, we see how the Gospel impacts all of us through singular acts of 2 Adams. The result helps us understand the mess the…
When God declares us righteous in Jesus a host of benefits are attached. They should thrill our hearts and blow our socks off. Jump in and prepare for a grand…
People put their hope in lots of things. Sometimes we're stretched to trust God for that which seems impossible. Abraham becomes the case study as Paul presses his argument that…
Everybody wants to be special - even when it comes to relationship with God. Dig in with us to see how this impacts our accountability to God and relationship to…
Welcome Jessie from eSwatini, Africa, as she shares of God's amazing work through Kudmuvisa Foundation medical missions. (Note: She uses a powerpoint presentation which will not be visible on the…