Easter People

March 31, 2024
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is arguably the most significant event in the history of mankind.  By belief in Him our lives are transformed.  We become "Easter People."  The impact…
Most people love celebrations, parades, and victory parties.  The Romans were experts at these by the first century AD.  But when Jesus came into Jerusalem, though there were similarities, we…
Claiming God's promises can be tricky.  Sometimes we miss them.  Sometimes we claim promises made to others as if our own.  Misrepresenting God's promises can lead to confusion, discouragement, disillusionment,…

Great Fathers, pt 2

February 25, 2024
Abraham's life provides a fascinating study of God working out His redemption plan in history.  In the process we gain significant insights relevant to our walk with God.  Thanks for…

Great Fathers, pt 1

February 18, 2024
Fathers can teach us many lessons and give us great examples.  Sadly, not all do.  But Scripture teaches us important truths through the lives of some Great Fathers.  Dig in…
Obedience has fallen on hard times.  People often defend whatever their behavior is and get huffy if anyone questions it.  Why?  Especially since we, in contradiction to the Scriptures, seem…
When God created man, He crafted something unique and special, making them in His own image and likeness.  The implications of this are vast for human relationships and a host…

Creation and God

January 28, 2024
What are the first "greats" we meet in the Bible?  God and creation.  As we begin our journey of great people, places, events and passages, this study rivets us to…