When God crashed Belshazzar's party, He delivered a potent message with lots of implications for our day, and for dads. It comes with an exhortation we all should consider: don't…
We thrive when we actively live in the conscious presence of God. Scripture tells us God is omnipresent. It also uses literal and figurative pictures to describe the location of…
Everyone wants to be loved! There is nothing more secure for believers in Jesus than the love of God. What He demonstrated in sending Christ He secures forever. It's a…
We all struggle with the desires of our flesh. How, exactly, does that work out for those in Christ? What is our part and what is God's part? Big questions…
We battle the flesh, but in Christ, we are secure in the life produced by the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged by the truths of this amazing text.
We all end up in battles we weren't looking for and don't want. So did Paul. Dig in with us to see how God works when our plans flip.
Click on the links below to enjoy a time of worship prior to listening to the message. Come back at the end for the final song! Gather your elements for…